Set Full Size DP

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If you’ve ever struggled with cropping your profile picture and losing important parts of it, the “Set Full Size DP” app might be just what you need.

Released on October 16, 2020, and updated on July 29, 2024, this app is now available for download on the Play Store. With over 100,000 downloads, it has proven to be a popular tool among Android users.

The “Set Full Size DP” app by AndroNik is a practical solution for users looking to set their profile pictures without losing any part of their images.

Whether you want to update your profile photo or adjust an existing one, this app provides all the tools you need to do so effectively. With its easy-to-use interface, small APK size, and useful features, it has quickly become a go-to app for managing profile pictures.

For anyone who values a complete and clear profile picture, downloading and using this app is a straightforward choice.

Key InformationDetails
App NameSet Full Size DP
Installs100K+ Downloads
App LinkGoogle Play Store
Privacy PolicyPolicy
Released OnOctober 16, 2020
Last UpdateJuly 29, 2024
Main Features– Change profile picture without cropping
– Adjust picture size and rotation
– Select pictures from phone gallery or camera
– Easy UI with no extra permissions required
User Reviews1M+ Downloads with 146K reviews
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