Discover the Ultimate Phone Lock Solution: Try Keep Me Out Now!

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Here’s your latest scoop on a fantastic app that can change the way you use your phone. It’s called “Keep Me Out – Phone Lock.” You must know about this app if you are serious about reducing your screen time and controlling your phone addiction. Today, we’ll delve into every detail of this app and its features, ensuring you don’t miss a thing.

Keep Me Out App

First off, you must know that “Keep Me Out – Phone Lock” is designed to help you manage your phone usage effectively. Launched on September 7, 2016, this app has gained immense popularity, boasting over 500K downloads and 9.54K reviews on the Play Store. As of June 24, 2024, it was last updated to enhance user experience.

App NameKeep Me Out – Phone Lock
App Size13MB
Official SitePlay Store
App NameKeep Me Out – Phone Lock
Release DateSeptember 7, 2016
Last UpdateJune 24, 2024
Privacy PolicyPrivacy Policy

The app, developed by eudaiTec, is lightweight, with a size of only 13MB, making it easy to install without taking up much space on your device. You must do yourself a favor and visit their official site on the Play Store to get started with this app.

Key Features For Keep Me Out

Quick Lock: This is the core function of the app. You must use this feature to lock your phone for a set period. It’s as simple as selecting the duration you want to be locked out of your device. You can also set emergency contacts to be reachable during the lock period, which you must do to ensure you are not completely cut off in case of emergencies.

Schedule Lock: You can plan your lock times in advance, setting up a seven-day cycle. You must use this feature to manage your digital consumption better and keep track of your schedules. This helps in maintaining a balance between your digital and real-life activities.

Emergency Calling: This feature allows you to add important contacts to your emergency list. You must add your crucial contacts here so you can reach them even when your phone is locked. This ensures that you are not entirely out of touch during your lock periods.

Easy Settings: All essential settings, including options for uninstalling the app, device reboot, connected device settings, and language settings, are found in one place. You must familiarize yourself with these settings to optimize your app experience.

Upcoming Features For Keep Me Out

Exempt Apps from Lock: This upcoming feature will allow you to select certain apps that won’t be locked, even during your lock periods. Many users have requested this feature, so you must keep an eye out for it.

App Usage: Another feature on the horizon is the detailed app usage overview. You must use this feature to gain insights into how much time you spend on different apps. Knowledge is the first step to self-improvement, so make sure to utilize this when it becomes available.

Differences Between Free and Premium Versions

You must know the differences between the free and premium versions to make an informed decision. The free version allows only two schedule locks, while the premium version is ads-free and provides unlimited schedule locks. This makes it easier to plan your week and boost productivity without interruptions.

Permissions You Must Enable

To use “Keep Me Out – Phone Lock” effectively, you must enable device administrator permissions. This is necessary for the lock feature to work correctly.

Privacy Policy You Must Know

You must be aware that “Keep Me Out – Phone Lock” values your privacy. The app does not store any personalized data on its servers, ensuring your information remains secure.

For any questions, feedback, or feature requests, you must contact the developers at Your feedback is immensely valued, and the team works daily to improve your app experience.